When I say termination, I mean if it's like a on premises server, you're not going to turn it off, and if it's like a cloud-based machine on Amazon Web Services or on Azure, you're not going to terminate it or stop it when there is no build running.
#Bamboo software build install#
The second type of Build Agent is called the Remote Build Agent, and that is when you install and configure your Build Agent services on computers that are separate from the computer that hosts your Bamboo software, but that computer is kind of fixed you are not going to terminate it when there is no build running, so inactivity is not a cause of termination of that machine. So that's why we separate the, we prefer to separate the Build Agents from the build software.
So you don't want to impact the performance of your bamboo software by builds. So if you want to put your Build Agent on Bamboo service, you will not be able to scale it properly, and also your Bamboo service or Bamboo software will slow down when people are building their code. The second reason is that normally Build Agents will get busy and slow as your team grows and as you have more and more build configurations in Bamboo, and that means that you will have to expand and you will have to pay more probably for resources and things may get slowed down.
#Bamboo software build code#
For example, if you have a code that is built with dot net and is written in C sharp, you want to have a Build Agent that runs on Windows, but if you have, say, PHP or Ruby, you probably want a Build Agent that is on Linux. The first one is that you may want to build different types of code written in different languages and frameworks, and you may want to build them on different operating system types. It's not recommended that you set up your Build Agent service on the same machine that hosts your Bamboo software, for primarily two reasons. This configuration is good if you want to compile a home project, or you want to start up Bamboo for learning.
In this configuration, the Build Agent Service, or software, is hosted on the same machine or computer that hosts your Bamboo service, or Bamboo software. The first type of Build Agent is called a Local Build Agent. But there are different types of Build Agents, and you need to choose from one of these depending on what you want to do. And what the Bamboo server does is just managing the users, managing the build configurations, and things like that.
#Bamboo software build windows#
An Agent is a service that runs either on a Windows machine or on a Linux machine, and its responsibility is basically compiling your code and running unit tests and everything that you need to build and release your code. So, we mentioned that when you want to build your software, when you want to build your code, it's not the Bamboo server that builds your code it's the Agent that builds your code.